I have an Azure Application GateWay listening to 443 and redirecting traffic to 3 VM (ubuntu) listening to port 80 with nginx has reverse proxy, which redirect to pm2 node server, this is for Server Side Rendering with Angular Universal
When I create a new Listener in the Application Gateway I upload the pfx file
Now when I browse my sites I get a secure connection, but when I try to share a url in social media like facebook, twitter or linkedin I get an error with the certificate, so images and keywords are not displayed
I found this site that allows me to check SSL configurations (https://www.sslshopper.com/ssl-checker.html), the results shows that I´m missing the intermediate certificate
If I install the SSL into a VM without the Application Gateway and redirect clients to that VM, then everything works great.
I have been changing Listeners, Rules and even try SSL Settings which is in preview, but no luck so far
Any idea what am I missing ?
Thanks in advance