I'm trying to create a dependent dropdown in dash/plotly, based on the unique values from the column depending on what is selected in the first dropdown. I created a chained callback and visually, the graph is updating correctly and the dropdowns are populating correctly. However, I receive an KeyError for one of my fields (Category
, which has nothing to do with the dropdowns, it simply colors the categories), after a fair amount of tinkering I still can't figure out what's causing it. Here's my layout, callbacks and the error I'm getting in the debug environment:
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
{"label": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (HP1)", "value":"HP1"},
{"label": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (HP2)", "value":"HP2"},
{"label": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (HP3)", "value":"HP3"},
{"label": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (HP4)", "value":"HP4"}
clearable=False, className = 'dcc-compon'
clearable=False, className = 'dcc-compon'
dcc.Graph(id="wrprogvis", figure={}),
], style={'font-family':'bahnschrift'})
#Chained callback
Output('select_platform', 'options'),
Input('select_game', 'value')
def get_platforms(select_game):
wrcombo_plts = wrcombo[wrcombo['Game']==select_game]
return [{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in wrcombo_plts['Platform'].unique()]
Output('select_platform', 'value'),
Input('select_platform', 'options')
def slct_platform(select_platform):
return[k['value'] for k in select_platform][0]
Output(component_id='wrprogvis', component_property='figure'),
[Input(component_id='select_game', component_property='value'),
Input(component_id='select_platform', component_property='value')
#Graph build
def update_graph(game_slct, plat_slct):
wrcombo_ = wrcombo.copy()
wrcombo_ = wrcombo_[wrcombo_['Game']==game_slct]
wrcombo_ = wrcombo_[wrcombo_['Platform']==plat_slct]
wrfig = px.line(wrcombo_, x='Date', y='Time', color='Category', custom_data=['Runner', 'Game', 'Notes'], height=600)
hovertemplate='<b>%{customdata[0]}</b><br>Time: %{y|%H:%M:%S} <br>Achieved on: %{x|%e %b %Y} <br>Notes: %{customdata[2]}'
wrfig.update_layout(yaxis_tickformat='%H:%M', title_font={"family": "Bahnschrift"}, legend_font_family="Bahnschrift", legend_title_font_family="Bahnschrift")
title_font = {"family": "Bahnschrift"},
tickfont = {"family": "Bahnschrift"},
title_font = {"family": "Bahnschrift"},
tickfont = {"family": "Bahnschrift"},
return wrfig
KeyError: 'Category'
Traceback (most recent call last)
File "HPWRprog.py", line 194, in update_graph
wrfig = px.line(wrcombo_, x='Date', y='Time', color='Category', custom_data=['Runner', 'Game', 'Notes'], height=600)
File "_chart_types.py", line 252, in line
return make_figure(args=locals(), constructor=go.Scatter)
File "_core.py", line 1889, in make_figure
for val in sorted_group_values[m.grouper]:
KeyError: 'Category'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "HPWRprog.py", line 194, in update_graph
wrfig = px.line(wrcombo_, x='Date', y='Time', color='Category', custom_data=['Runner', 'Game', 'Notes'], height=600)
File "_chart_types.py", line 252, in line
return make_figure(args=locals(), constructor=go.Scatter)
File "_core.py", line 1889, in make_figure
for val in sorted_group_values[m.grouper]:
KeyError: 'Category'
Appreciate any help in advance!
edit: callback graph is showing an unwanted callback, I don't want graph update to be triggered until the options are updated (i.e. the path on the right). is there any way I can prevent this? callback graph
data frame does not have aCategory
column. Can you inspect it just before that line to see what it does have? – coralvandaprint(wrcombo_)
and it does not give me any result in my python console when I trigger the callback. Either way, I double checked thewrcombo
table and it definitely has Category,wrcombo_
is simply a copy – artfulinfoprint
before thereturn
. I see you have them in the wrong order inget_platforms
– coralvandawrcombo
it works. I had a thought though, I checked the callback graph and it seems that it has 2 paths (see edit on the main post). The path where it goes straight to updatewrprogvis
should not be happening, it should always update the options first, otherwise the options for `select_platform' may not be correct. Have I missed something with the sequencing of my callbacks? – artfulinfo