I seem to have issue to receive correct bytes from a PC to a PIC18F27J53. The PIC UART is set standard, asynchronous, 8bits, 9600, No parity. The PC is a win 10, I have made a simple UART program, and sending a few ints, all separated by commas, like the following. "123,24,65,98,12,45,564,987,321,0,5.9,87,65,789,123,6554,213,8754\n"
I have tried different ways,
- Tried to send each char one by one, however the PIC seems to get stuck midway or early in the transfer and the RX flag doesn't go high anymore.
- I have tried to send each int followed by "\n" and my PIC to parse each chars and cut the read after a "\n" is found. This seems better, I can get more data in, but the final received data is corrupted: some ints are wrong etc.
It clearly show this is a sync issue, it looks like the PC is too fast for the PIC? If so, I am looking at having a synchronous uart, however according to the web, this seems to be far from the chosen method, which makes me thing I must have another issue to resolve, in asynchronous mode?
My question, what is the most popular robust way to do that PIC to PC UART full duplex communication?
Here are my PIC receive APIs, fairly standard and simple (I think).
void int_receive_data(void)
char input_element[10] = { 0 };
char full_rx[128] = { 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < 22; i++) {
p18f47j53_uart2_read_text(input_element, sizeof(input_element));
strncat(full_rx, input_element, strlen(input_element));
strncat(full_rx, ",", 1);
void p18f47j53_uart2_read_text(char *output, uint8_t max_length)
uint8_t c;
char buffer[64] = { 0 };
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < max_length; i++) {
c = p18f47j53_uart2_receive_u8();
buffer[i] = c;
if ((c == 10) || (c == '\n')) {
buffer[i] = 0;
memcpy(output, buffer, i);
i = max_length;
uint8_t p18f47j53_uart2_receive_u8(void)
// wait for the flag
while (!PIR3bits.RC2IF);
// reset receiver if over run error
if (RCSTA2bits.OERR) {
RCSTA2bits.CREN = 0;
RCSTA2bits.CREN = 1;
return PIC_RC_FAIL;
// reset if frame error
if (RCSTA2bits.FERR) {
RCSTA2bits.SPEN = 0;
RCSTA2bits.SPEN = 1;
return PIC_RC_FAIL;
return RCREG2;
On the PC C# side, my sending looks like this
string[] full_separated = full_tx.Split(',');
foreach (string s in full_separated)
The PIC is running from its internal clock 8MHz. I never tried the synchronous way as it seems more complicated and 99 percent of the web result will show asynchronous way, which makes me think I better debug what I am doing.
Any idea? advice? Thanks