I'm a newbie in DAX and I'm trying to create a visual in Power BI that shows the top 10 customers by sales.
I tried to create a calculated column in the 'Food sales' table, but I couldn't figure out how to create the rank by client ID.
I ended up creating a summary table in the model:
Consolidation Ventes =
SUMMARIZE('Food Sales',
'Food Sales'[ID Client],
"Ventes",SUMX('Food Sales', 'Food Sales'[Quantité]*'Food Sales'[Prix de vente])
and adding the rank calculated column like that:
Rank = RANKX('Consolidation Ventes', 'Consolidation Ventes'[Ventes],,DESC,Dense)
I obtained what I was looking for:
But I'm pretty sure there's a better way to do it, without creating an extra table in the model. I tried creating a measure instead, but it always returned "1" and I couldn't understand why...
Is there a better way to achieve the same result? Is there a way to create a measure instead of a calculated column, to create dynamic ranks in order to slice the with more than one column (like for example, customer name and product type)?