I am self-teaching myself the Ada Programming language and in the text book I am using there is an exercise to print out the factorial value of a number entered by the user. My program compiles and does run fine and I do get the expected output, but if I type in the value of 13, the program crashes and raises an error.
I have no idea why the number 13 does this. Is it an error with the IDE (I use GNAT Studio) and I currently use the Ada 2012 standard. Here is my code:
with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
-- procedure main - begins the program
procedure main is
counter : Integer := 1;
number : Integer := 0;
factorial : Integer := 1;
while counter <= 5 loop
Put("Enter an integer: ");
for Count in 1 .. number loop
factorial := factorial * Count;
end loop;
Put_Line("Factorial value is: " & integer'image(factorial));
factorial := 1;
counter := counter + 1;
end loop;
end main; -- end procedure main
Error Message is this: raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : main.adb:35 overflow check failed [2021-04-11 13:25:10] process exited with status 1, elapsed time: 02.07s
It seems like such a small issue, but I would just be interested to know if there is something wrong with the code that is creating this, or is it just a general bug with the software I use.
Thank you in advance.
main.adb:35 overflow check failed
could have meant? Also, the constraint error would have happened at line 19 in the code you show, which only has 29 lines anyway, so your actual code must have been different. (Just in case it’s not clear -main.adb:35
means "line 35 of filemain.adb
"). – Simon Wright