
I am looking for an API which has to return multiple run information for a test case with plan id and suite id as a parameter. When I searched getting only the lastTestRunId details in most of the APIs. Is there a way to get all runs for particular test case Id?


searched in above link.

Hi there, is there any updates for this question? Please let me know whether my answer is a solution of this question and feel free to comment~ Just a remind of this.Jane Ma-MSFT

1 Answers


As of this time, however, querying runs by test cases is not supported. If your test cases were run by running the test plans, you can query runs by test plans as an alternative method:

Use Runs - Query to get runs for particular test plan.

GET https://dev.azure.com/{organization}/{project}/_apis/test/runs?planIds={test plan id}&api-version=6.0

I have tested the REST API and it works perfectly.