
I am attempting to loop over a module equal to the number of times a map appears inside a nested list of maps as follows:


  variable "http_tcp_listeners" {
  description = "A list of maps describing the HTTP listeners or TCP ports for this NLB"
  type        = any
  default = [
      "http_tcp_listener" = [
          port   = "80"
          protocol  = "TCP"
          port   = "7364"
          protocol  = "TCP"
      "http_tcp_listener" = [
          port   = "8080"
          protocol  = "TCP"
          port   = "7365"
          protocol  = "TCP"


  module "create_network_lb" {
  count              = length(var."http_tcp_listeners")
  source             = "../../modules/lb"
  subnets            = tolist(data.aws_subnet_ids.private_compute[0].ids)
  vpc_id             = sort(data.aws_vpcs.platform_private_vpc.ids)[0]
  target_groups      = lookup(var.target_groups[count.index], "target_group", null)
  http_tcp_listeners = lookup(var.http_tcp_listeners[count.index], "http_tcp_listener", null)


resource "aws_lb_listener" "frontend_http_tcp" {
  count = var.create_lb ? length(var.http_tcp_listeners) : 0

  load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.default[0].arn
  port     = var.http_tcp_listeners[count.index]["port"]
  protocol = var.http_tcp_listeners[count.index]["protocol"]

  dynamic "default_action" {
    for_each = length(keys(var.http_tcp_listeners[count.index])) == 0 ? [] : [var.http_tcp_listeners[count.index]]

    content {
      type             = lookup(default_action.value, "action_type", "forward")
      target_group_arn = contains([null, "", "forward"], lookup(default_action.value, "action_type", "")) ? aws_lb_target_group.main[lookup(default_action.value, "target_group_index", count.index)].id : null

      dynamic "redirect" {
        for_each = length(keys(lookup(default_action.value, "redirect", {}))) == 0 ? [] : [lookup(default_action.value, "redirect", {})]

        content {
          path        = lookup(redirect.value, "path", null)
          host        = lookup(redirect.value, "host", null)
          port        = lookup(redirect.value, "port", null)
          protocol    = lookup(redirect.value, "protocol", null)
          query       = lookup(redirect.value, "query", null)
          status_code = redirect.value["status_code"]

      dynamic "fixed_response" {
        for_each = length(keys(lookup(default_action.value, "fixed_response", {}))) == 0 ? [] : [lookup(default_action.value, "fixed_response", {})]

        content {
          content_type = fixed_response.value["content_type"]
          message_body = lookup(fixed_response.value, "message_body", null)
          status_code  = lookup(fixed_response.value, "status_code", null)

When performing a "terraform plan", it displays only the last "http_tcp_listener" value. The variable for the module must be in format "[{port=80, protocol="TCP"},{port=7364, protocol="TCP"}]" hence, everything after each iteration of "http_tcp_listener".

During troubleshooting, Terraform seems to think that the variable is a tuple with one element per the error:

Error: Invalid index

  on main.tf line 86, in module "create_network_lb":
  86:   http_tcp_listeners = [lookup(var.http_tcp_listeners[1], "http_tcp_listener")]
    | var.http_tcp_listeners is tuple with 1 element

The given key does not identify an element in this collection value.

If I manually change one of the keys from "http_tcp_listener" to "http_tcp_listener1", and reflect this in the main.tf lookup value, it will display that value. i.e, if I rename the first key and reference it, terraform plan will display ports 80 and 7364 instead of 8080 and 7365.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Did you actually apply the code to confirm that it does not work? Did you got any errors?Marcin
Applying the code works, though it only stands up the last "http_tcp_listener" map.Adam M. Lechnos
I think its your module at fault here. Can you show how do define your listeners in the module? How http_tcp_listeners is used?Marcin
Updated my post with "module" code snippet. Thanks.Adam M. Lechnos
So create_network_lb module creates two NLBs?Marcin

1 Answers


Solved by re-creating the data structure, and using for_each to call the module. Details here.