I want to assign a managed identity access to an application role using Terraform.
I found a similar procedure, but it uses PowerShell. I want to do that with Terraform.
resource "azuread_application_app_role" "AppRole1" {
application_object_id = azuread_application.ResourceController.id
allowed_member_types = ["Application"]
description = "All access"
display_name = "All access"
is_enabled = true
value = "All"
resource "azurerm_role_assignment" "assignment1" {
principal_id = data.azuread_service_principal.website.id # This is a managed identity.
role_definition_id = azuread_application_app_role.AppRole1.id
scope= azuread_application_app_role.ResourceController.id # ???
What should I specify in the scope field or this isn't possible with Terraform?