
I am currently creating a Nuxt app, which uses an API-backend to get it's data from. Since I don't know what data is needed when the page loads, I would like to stay clear of fetching on mounted() or explicitly fetching when I need the resource and then also accessing it but instead define getters and setters in the Nuxt/Vuex store to return the data if present or fetch if missing. Suppose I have the following data structure(s):

    "id": 1,
    "randomdata": "abc",
    "client": 1


    "id": 1,
    "name": "Max"

My page would look something like this:

      v-for="project in projects">
        Show client
        {{ clients.find(c => c.id === project.client) }}

I tried multiple places to register the getters without success:

  • registering getters and setters directly in computed ==> throws "Cannot read property '$store' of undefined", I guess this is undefined
projects: {
  get: () => {this.$store.dispatch('get', {resource: 'projects'}); return this.$store.state.projects}
  set: (value) => this.$store.dispatch('set', {resource: 'projects', value})
  • getters, mutations in store; using mapState ==> Didn't get both getters and setters configured on computed property
getters: {
    plants: state => {
        return get(state, 'plants', this.$axios);
mutations: {
    plants(state, value) {
        save('plants', state.plants, value);
  • javascript getters / setters in state ==> couldn't get axios so I could do the request as intended, also is this reactive?
state: () => ({
    _plants: {},
    get plants() {
        return get(this, 'plants');
    set plants(value) {
        this.plants = save('plants', this._plants, value);

All of the above assuming the appropriate methods exist and work as intended.

I assume that an object is returned from the getters, whose properties are filled once the asynchronous request finished.

I would really apprciate if anyone could point me in the right direction on how to properly define these getters and setters.

TL;DR; What is the best way to define getters and setters for API requests using Nuxt/Vuex store?


1 Answers


The first thing you have to do is writing your state in the correct position. I have setting folder having index.js file in state folder.

-----------| index.js
  • the first index.js file just inside store folder is the main state.
  • the second index.js file inside store/setting folder is the state having setting states.

now, I have state object called options in setting state (in store/setting/index.js). just like this ...

export const state = () => ({
  options: {
    page: 1,
    itemsPerPage: 25

export const mutations = {
  setOptions(state, options) {
    state.options = options

now in your page, you can build the options getter/setter like this ...

export default {
  data() {
    return {}
  computed: {
    options: {
      get() {
        return this.$store.state.setting.options
      set(value) {
        this.$store.commit('setting/setOptions', value)

It is working for me and I'm also using it on my projects. Ask me if it is not clear to you.