
I have a terraform project set up an VPC for a region to use for all EKS cluster in that region. After run terraform apply successful, I have these output:


all_worker_mgmt_id = "sg-09992bfxxxx13b782"
azs = tolist([
public_subnets = [
vpc_cidr_block = ""
vpc_id = "vpc-07e4xxxxxxxx6f616"

In another terraform project set up an EKS cluster, I need to extract the vpc_id and public_subnets to use to configure the cluster.

How can I dynamic get above variable 's values without hardcode in configuration?

And does this document (https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/data-sources/vpc) use for that?


2 Answers


I usually keep resources separated in terraform and use data to get the resources that were already created, manually of with other terraform projects.

locals {
  environment = "test"

data "aws_vpc" "vpc" {
  filter {
    name = "tag:Name"
    values = [local.environment]

data "aws_subnet_ids" "private_subnets" {
  vpc_id = data.aws_vpc.vpc.id

  filter {
    name = "tag:Name"
    values = ["${local.environment}-private-*"]

data "aws_subnet_ids" "public_subnets" {
  vpc_id = data.aws_vpc.vpc.id

  filter {
    name = "tag:Name"
    values = ["${local.environment}-public-*"]

When you need to get one public or private subnet, use sort:

resource "aws_instance" "gitlab" {
  subnet_id = sort(data.aws_subnet_ids.public_subnets.ids)[0]

The above code will work perfectly if you use the terraform vpc module

Or, if you want to have a tool that manages all resources at once, you can use Terragrunt


Generally you could use outputs along with jq to get the output values:

terraform output -json | jq -r '.vpc_id.value'
terraform output -json | jq -rc '.public_subnets.value'

or even simpler:

terraform output vpc_id
terraform output public_subnets