I want to store Route53 entries in a YAML file. However, I'm accounting for records that can also be an alias to let's say an ELB. The code only works if the entries in the YAML file is of one type (record
or an alias
, you can't have both in the file). I'm using the following module.
locals {
zone_data_raw = yamldecode(file("${path.module}//zone_data.yaml"))
zone_data = {
zone_id = local.zone_data_raw.zone_id
records = [for r in local.zone_data_raw.records : {
name = r.name
type = r.type
ttl = lookup(r, "ttl", null)
alias = lookup(r, "alias", {})
records = lookup(r, "records", null)
module "records" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/route53/aws//modules/records"
zone_id = local.zone_data_raw.zone_id
private_zone = true
records = local.zone_data.records
YAML file (Works fine)
zone_id: Z12345678
- name: route53-alias1.example.com
type: A
name: abc.com
zone_id: Z12345678
- name: route53-alias.example.com
type: A
name: alias.elb.amazon.com
zone_id: Z12345678
YAML file (Doesn't work)
zone_id: Z12345678
- name: route53-alias1.example.com
type: A
- name: route53-alias.example.com
type: A
name: alias.elb.amazon.com
zone_id: Z12345678
Error: Inconsistent conditional result types
on .terraform/modules/records/modules/records/main.tf line 15, in resource "aws_route53_record" "this":
15: for_each = var.create && (var.zone_id != null || var.zone_name != null) ? local.recordsets : tomap({})
| local.recordsets is object with 2 attributes
The true result value has the wrong type: object is required.
I broke the code and module apart and realized my mistake. In the module, the author turned the records into a map using tomap
. I was doubling the work but using a for loop to build a map within locals
. All i had to do was pass in the records from the yamldecode
locals {
workspace_defaults = file("../_${terraform.workspace}.yaml")
common_settings = merge(
zone_data_raw = yamldecode(file("${path.module}//zone_data.yaml"))
module "records" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/route53/aws//modules/records"
zone_id = local.zone_data_raw.zone_id
private_zone = true
records = local.zone_data_raw.records
relates to the module? How do you use the module? – Marcin