I am trying to prove the following theorem after formalizing lambda calculus with Debruijn indices and substitution in Coq.
Theorem atom_equality : forall e : expression , forall x : nat,
(beta_reduction (Var x) e) -> (e = Var x).
and these are the definitions for expression and beta reduction
Inductive expression : Type :=
| Var (n : nat)
| Abstraction (e : expression)
| Application (e1 : expression) (e2 : expression).
Inductive beta_reduction : expression -> expression -> Prop :=
| beta_1step (x y : expression) : beta_1reduction x y -> beta_reduction x y
| beta_reflexivity (x : expression) : beta_reduction x x
| beta_transitivity (x y z : expression) : beta_reduction x y -> beta_reduction y z -> beta_reduction x z.
I am stuck in a loop while trying to prove this theorem.
intro e. induction e.
- intros. inversion H.
After applying these steps, these are the hypothesis and subgoals I've to work with
3 subgoals
n, x : nat
H : beta_reduction (Var x) (Var n)
x0, y : expression
H0 : beta_1reduction (Var x) (Var n)
H1 : x0 = Var x
H2 : y = Var n
Var n = Var x
Var n = Var n
Var n = Var x
I can solve the first subgoal by "inversion H0" tactic and second subgoal by "reflexivity". However when I reach the third subgoal, this is what I am left with
1 subgoal
n, x : nat
H : beta_reduction (Var x) (Var n)
x0, y, z : expression
H0 : beta_reduction (Var x) y
H1 : beta_reduction y (Var n)
H2 : x0 = Var x
H3 : z = Var n
Var n = Var x
This is exactly what I started with. I will have to prove that y can only take the value of Var x for H0 to be provable.
(beta_1reduction is the one step beta reduction of lambda calculus, and beta_reduction is its reflexive, transitive closure)
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