I've run through many different Stackoverflow posts and many had my symptoms yet none of the solutions fixed my problem. Apparently, according to this post many, many things can cause this issue. I decided to upgrade all my npm, node and vue to the latest and make a minimal code example of my problem (the Condition component contains a template with a single root div containing 3 vuetify text fields):
<div id="app">
<v-btn @click="addCondition()" color="secondary" dark>Add Condition</v-btn>
<div id="conditions">
<template v-for="condition in conditions">
<component :is="condition" :key="condition.id"></component>
// none of the below work
//import Condition from '@/components/Condition.vue';
//const Condition = require('@/components/Condition.vue').default
Vue.component('Condition', require('@/components/Condition.vue').default);
import Vue from "vue";
export default {
name: "Test",
methods: {
const ConditionClass = Vue.extend(Condition);
const conditionInstance = new ConditionClass(); //{ propsData: { id: conditions.length, value: 0 }});
data() {
return {
conditions: []
When I click the Add Condition button, I get the oft encountered and dreaded "[Vue warn]: Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined." message in the console. Realizing that the error may be caused by things in my configuration, I also put all the code for the vue project in https://github.com/mentaloaf/stackoverflow_vuejs.git. As I've lost a day on this I'm hoping there's a silly/simple fix.
Also thought I would post relevant toolchain versions:
/tmp/comptest/stackoverflow_vuejs master ?1 ❯ vue -V 3m 30s
@vue/cli 4.5.12
/tmp/comptest/stackoverflow_vuejs master ?1 ❯ npm -v
/tmp/comptest/stackoverflow_vuejs master ?1 ❯ node -v