Thanks to Rachel Hettinger's assistance I've been able to create a VBA macro to open an Excel workbook and create a new project from a worksheet. I am able to import to almost all of the project-level and task-level fields I need, but I did hit a roadblock. cannot import data to the project-level Description and Owner fields that I see in the Project Web App or the Task-level Status Manager field that I see in the client.
The following is an excerpt of how I handle the task-level fields:
MapEdit Name:="Map ", Create:=True, OverwriteExisting:=True, DataCategory:=0, CategoryEnabled:=True, _
TableName:=ws.Name, FieldName:="Name", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Name", ExportFilter:="All Tasks", ImportMethod:=0, _
HeaderRow:=True, AssignmentData:=False, TextDelimiter:=Chr$(9), TextFileOrigin:=0, UseHtmlTemplate:=False, IncludeImage:=False
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Outline Level", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Outline_Level"
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Created", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Created_Date"
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Start", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Start_Date"
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Finish", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Finish_Date"
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="% Complete", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Percent_Complete"
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Notes", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Notes"
MapEdit Name:="Map ", DataCategory:=0, FieldName:="Board Status", ExternalFieldName:="Task_Board_Status"
FileOpenEx Name:=xlFile2, ReadOnly:=False, Merge:=0, FormatID:="MSProject.ACE.14", map:="Map ", DoNotLoadFromEnterprise:=True
And this is a very limited excerpt of how I handle the project-level fields:
'Project Departments
x = 0
For x = 1 To wbk.ActiveSheet.Range(colRangeAddress).Columns.Count
If wbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x) = "Directorate" Then
dept = wbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(2, x).Value
Exit For
End If
Next x
x = 0
For x = 1 To wbk.ActiveSheet.Range(colRangeAddress).Columns.Count
If wbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(1, x) = "Project_Customer" Then
customer = wbk.ActiveSheet.Cells(2, x).Value
Exit For
End If
Next x
ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.SetField FieldNameToFieldConstant("Project Departments"), dept
ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.SetField FieldNameToFieldConstant("Customer"), customer
Application.FileSaveAs Name:=myPath & projName, FormatID:="MSProject.mpp" 'Name:="<>\" & projName to send to server
As I mentioned, I cannot import data to the project-level Description and Owner fields that I see in the Project Web App or the Task-level Status Manager field I see in the client. Here's where I see the Description and Owner fields in PWA:
And the Status Manager field in the client:
I tried importing to these fields the same ways as the others that I successfully imported to, but was not able. How can I import these three fields using VBA?