spring boot + spring integration app monitored by prometheus throught the build in micrometer.io. the spring boot app will expose locahost:8080/actuator/prometheus. the monitoring data arrives in prometheus and can be displayed as a graph. this is working fine.
my problem is that i get some gaps in the prometheus data. these gaps happen when the app is under heavy load. it is normal when the app is very busy that the response times for locahost:8080/actuator/prometheus get longer. in my case without load is less then 1 second, but with load gets around 1 minute. the target is shown in the prometheus status->targets as offline. one possibility would be to set the scrape_interval = 2min
but it would be important to see more detail info.
my question: is there a solution for this scenario? (setting priority to monitoring url?, storing temporary the info in the spring boot app and send it later)
update: i am trying to monitor the spring integration metrics, but for this question is not important which metric. could be anything like jvm heap.