
I am new at GCP and I want to create a Windows Server VM (2 vCPU with 4GB Memory) on region asia-south1(Mumbai). While creating it always shows

Quota 'CPUS' exceeded. Limit: 0.0 in region asia-south1.


As per some suggestions I went to raise request to increase CPU quota. But I saw the region already have limit 8.

increase cpu limit pic

Still I resubmitted that request with the same limit. How can I solve this?

We cannot help you. Only Google can change your quotas. My recommendation is to use a different region such as us-central1 where you might have (or be approved for) quota.John Hanley

1 Answers


You can request an increase in quota or, as @JohnHanley mentioned, use a different region.

There is also a ServerFault thread about the same quota for asia-south1.