In Flex 3, it used to be possible to bind a component property within an itemRenderer via outerDocument. So for instance, if there was a image inside an itemRenderer that was only displayed on a given condition of the parent, something like this would work perfectly:
<mx:Label text="{data}"/>
<mx:Image id="img" visible="{outerDocument.ShowImage}" includeInLayout="{outerDocument.ShowImage}"/>
where the outer document (not the list, but the mxml the list is in) contained something like
public function get ShowImage():void
return showImage;
public function set ShowImage(val:Boolean):void
showImage = val;
I've tried to do the same thing in Flex 4.5 using Spark item renderers using parentDocument, but it doesn't seem to be aware to the binding. When I do this in Flex 4.5, the itemRenderer doesn't seem to be aware when the parentDocument ShowImage changes.
Has anyone seen this issue and is able to offer a solution?
EDIT: Add Spark Source As requested here is my spark source:
<s:ItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""
<s:Label id="myLabel" text="{data}/>
<s:Image src="something.png" visible="{parentDocument.ShowImage}" includeInLayout="{parentDocument.ShowImage}"/>
<s:Panel xmlns:fx=""
private var showImage:Boolean = false;
public function set ShowImage(val:Boolean):void
showImage = val;
public function get ShowImage():Boolean
return showImage;
<!-- Content Group -->
<s:List id="lstCell" width="100%" height="100%" itemRenderer="MyItemRenderer">
Ok so there is a checkbox in a wrapper outside of RendererContainer.mxml that dispatches a custom event that is handled by changing a Bindable Boolean. The change in that var then changes the ShowImage property on my RendererContainer component. I would expect that the binding would then be picked up by MyItemRenderer but it doesnt seem to be working.
So my outer wrapper would access ShowImage like this
<comp:RendererContainer id="myId" ShowImage="{myCheckbox.selected}"/>