
I am trying to get the program to allow the user to input a number and then have the computer tell the user if the number is too small, too big, or equal to a randomly generated number. The prompt and input work, but it gets stuck after the first scanf.

I think it has to do with scanf and not the conditionals, because I added printf("Testing stopping point") and that doesn't get printed to the user's screen. What am I doing wrong?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
        //Generate a random number
        int n = 1;
        int count = 0;
        int randomNumber;

        for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
                randomNumber = rand() % 101;

        printf("Guess a number between 1 - 100: ");

        int input;

        printf("Testing stopping point");

            if (input > randomNumber)
                count +=1;
                printf("Too large!Try again: ");
            }else if (input < randomNumber)
                count += 1;
                printf("Too small!Try again: ");
        }while (input != randomNumber);

        if(input == randomNumber)
            count +=1;
            printf("You guessed %d times\n", count);
            return 0;
Why are you using goto? You can accomplish this all within the do-while loop.SuperStormer
@SuperStormer thanks. I removed it. I added it when I thought there might have been something wrong with the logic in my do while loop, but it didn't fix the problemLearning2Code4Life
you dont scanf again so input always says the same. also the last if is redundantTruVortex_07
No, you need to restructure the loop if you removed the gotoSuperStormer
@Learning2Code4Life put the scanf at the start of the do { [...] } while ();TruVortex_07

1 Answers


You have to remove the \n in the scanf,try like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
        //Generate a random number
        int count = 0;
        int randomNumber;
        randomNumber = (rand() % 101)+1;
        int input=-1;
        while (input != randomNumber)
              printf("Guess a number between 1 - 100: ");
            if (input > randomNumber)
                count +=1;
                printf("Too large!Try again: ");
            }else if (input < randomNumber)
                count += 1;
                printf("Too small!Try again: ");
if(input == randomNumber)
            count +=1;
            printf("You guessed %d times\n", count);

       return 0; 