I'm kinda new to akka typed and I was trying to send a message which requires an answer within a given time.
I found the request-response pattern with ask which seemed interesting but is there a way to implement it inside of an already defined Behaviours.receive?
Here the idea is to call nextPlayerTurn each time a player answers or after a timeout
override def refereeTurn(): Behavior[Msg] = Behaviors.receive {
case (_, msg: GuessMsg) =>
if(currentPlayer.isDefined && currentPlayer.get == msg.getSender) {
controller ! msg
} else {
println("Player tried to guess after Timeout")
case (context, msg: ReceivedResponseMsg) =>
if(currentPlayer.isDefined && currentPlayer.get == msg.getSender)
* Tells to a player to start his turn and sets a timer that defines time in which a player has to make a guess.
* If such guess isn't made, sends that user an end turn message, fails the promise of his turn and allows next
* player to play his turn
override def nextPlayerTurn(ctx: ActorContext[Msg]): Unit = {
implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout.timeout
currentPlayer = Option(turnManager.nextPlayer)
ctx.ask[Msg,Msg](currentPlayer.get, ref => YourTurnMsg(ref)) {
case Success(msg: GuessMsg) => println("\n SUCCESS"); msg
case Failure(_) => println(currentPlayer.get +" didn't guess in time"); TurnEnd(currentPlayer.get)
case _ => TurnEnd(currentPlayer.get)
In this case after the YourTurnMsg is sent the player is supposed to respond with a GuessMsg which stops the timer, this never happens due to the case matching inside refereeTurn Begaviour being executed instead of the Success (which instead always gives a Failure after the Timeout).
Did i get the wrong idea about the ask patter and should just make a new Behaviour with a timer?