I have a complex vba macro that uses the following references. I don't know how to late bind all of these properly to the different objects I use. How can I research what is the proper late binding convention?
- Outlook 16.0
- Word 16.0
- Regular Expressions 5.5
For example, I am declaring the following variables in my macro using early binding, how can I find the equivalent late binding convention?
- dim myNameSpace as outlook.namespace --> set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
- dim myInbox as outlook.folder --> set myInbox = myNameSpace.Folders("name of folder")
- dim myItems as outlook.items --> set myItems = myInbox.Items
- dim wrdDoc as word.document
- dim regExp as new RegExp --> regExp.Pattern = "pattern"
Any help or guidance would be appreciated!
thank you!