We have a Azure DevOps release pipeline with an ARM template deployment as the start of each release. We do this to make sure our Azure resource stays in sync with the ARM template configured in our repository.
I expected that if there is a change, the Azure App Service would restart, but if there is no change (the deploy just verifies the app is still in sync) no restart would be required. But it seems the Azure App Service restarts anyway in that case and our users can get a "Service Unavailable" message (for seconds). It is only a short downtime, but still. Similar to the downtime on the swap.
The "Web App Restarted” tab for the resource does give some information. It states there were 2 restarts with the message “User(Site Binding Change)”. One of those I can understand from the Swap we do after the ARM template deployment. So it looks like during the ARM template deployment it does a “Site Binding Change”. Why would that be the case?
I thought that ARM templates were meant to specify the systems configuration. So on deployment the first step would be a verification step and when there was no change, the ARM template would not do anything to the system. But this seems an incorrect assumption.
Can someone confirm if this expected behavior? Or if I have something misconfigured?
to 1 . See here – Levi Lu-MSFT