I'm using JSF 2.0 and PrimeFaces library. I have a page with several inputs (among them there are 2 p:calendar components). I want to validate that the second date is not before the first date, but I want this validation to happen in the client, and if validation fails, then don't submit the form and display the h:message that belong to the calendars. PrimeFaces' calendar has a minDate attribute, but this just works not allowing to choose a previous date using the graphical calendar, but you can still type a previous date and validation passes; so I have to use javascript too. I can add a "onclick" event to the commandButon to call js function that performs validation, but how can I stop JSF from submitting the form is javascript validation failed? and how can I display the h:message components? I want to avoid going to the server. Thanks!
This is the code of the calendars:
<p:calendar id="dateFrom" value="#{reqAbsences.dateFrom}"
navigator="true" showOn="button"
required="true" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"
onSelectUpdate="dateTo dateFromVal hourInput timeFrom timeTo"
mindate="#{reqAbsences.today}" >
<f:validator validatorId="DateValidator"/>
<p:message id="dateFromVal" for="dateFrom" showSummary="false"/>
<h:outputLabel value="#{text['global.toDate']}"/>
<p:calendar id="dateTo" value="#{reqAbsences.dateTo}"
navigator="true" showOn="button"
pattern="dd/MM/yyyy" required="true" mindate="#{reqAbsences.dateFrom}">
<f:validator validatorId="DateValidator"/>
<p:message id="dateToVal" for="dateTo" showSummary="false"/>