
I'm running through a list of cart items in vue and need to get the index of each item. I thought you'd simply do something like this

  <ul class="crt-Push_Items">
    <li class="crt-Push_Item" v-for="(lineItem, index) in lineItems" :key="lineItem.key">
      <PushCartItem :lineItem="lineItem" />


<p class="crt-PushItem_Price"><span class="money" data-line-index="{{ index }}">{{ formatMoney(lineItem.line_price) }} </span></p>

But this isn't displaying and I'm getting the error [Vue warn]: Property or method "index" is not defined on the instance but referenced during render. Make sure that this property is reactive, either in the data option, or for class-based components, by initializing the property. See: https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/reactivity.html#Declaring-Reactive-Properties.

this: data-line-index="{{ index }}" doesn't look like vue. Don't you mean :data-line-index="index"Thomas Kuhlmann
@ThomasKuhlmann fair point even though if I just did <p class="crt-PushItem_Price"><span class="money">{{ formatMoney(lineItem.line_price) }} {{ index }}</span></p> it's still not workingMariaL
Try switching from v-for=... in ... to v-for=... of .... And if that doesn't work, can you show the entire code?Thomas Kuhlmann

3 Answers


I'm assuming that this line

<p class="crt-PushItem_Price"><span class="money" data-line-index="{{ index }}">{{ formatMoney(lineItem.line_price) }} </span></p>

is the PushCartItem component, so in order to receive the index property, you need to use props, because otherwise you can't have access to it, like this:

  <p class="crt-PushItem_Price">
    <span class="money" :data-line-index="index">
      {{ formatMoney(lineItem.line_price) }}
export default {
  name: 'PushCartItem',
  props: {
    index: {
      type: Number,
      required: true
    lineItem: {
      type: Object,
      required: true,
  methods: {
    formatMoney(price) {
      // do something with the price

This answer is based in my assumptions, if you still having the error, please give me more information or details about it to help you.


You need to pass the index from the parent component like this.

<ul class="crt-Push_Items">
<li class="crt-Push_Item" v-for="(lineItem, index) in lineItems" :key="lineItem.key">
  <PushCartItem :lineItem="lineItem" :index="index" />

Try this:

<ul class="crt-Push_Items">
    <li class="crt-Push_Item" v-for="(lineItem) in lineItems" :key="lineItem.key">
      <PushCartItem :lineItem="lineItem" />

Or this:

<ul class="crt-Push_Items">
    <li class="crt-Push_Item" v-for="(lineItem, index) in lineItems" :key="index">
      <PushCartItem :lineItem="lineItem" />