
In my android app, I have a large string resource xml file. I want to make reference and reuse declared resources values within String values. Is it possible to have the R class resolve referenced values (a la @string/db_table_name)?

<string name="db_table_name">tbl_name</string>
<string name="ddl">create table @string/tbl_name</string>

Is there a way of doing this. In regular Java world, some tools use ${varname} expression to resolve reference. Can this be done at all in Android?

you probably dont need your db naming and query creation stuff in xml resources and they will not be dependent on localisation or device qualifiers - I would vote for having this stuff in a global project config file and maybe a static class for query creation - just a thought! Im not aware the above is possible is res files :)Dori

4 Answers


Add a %s to your second resource string (the one that you want to be dynamic) where you want it to be modified. i.e.,

<string name="db_table_name">tbl_name</string>
<string name="ddl">create table %s</string>

and in your code use getString() to work the magic,

getString(R.string.ddl, getString(R.string.db_table_name));

It's indeed possible.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE resources [
  <!ENTITY appname "MyAppName">
  <!ENTITY author "MrGreen">

    <string name="app_name">&appname;</string>
    <string name="description">The &appname; app was created by &author;</string>

You can even define your entity globaly e.g:


  <!ENTITY appname "MyAppName">
  <!ENTITY author "MrGreen">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE resources [
    <!ENTITY % ents SYSTEM "./res/raw/entities.ent">

    <string name="app_name">&appname;</string>
    <string name="description">The &appname; app was created by &author;</string>

Yes, it is possible without writing any Java/Kotlin code, only XML, by using this small library I created which does so at buildtime: https://github.com/LikeTheSalad/android-stem


Based on your example, you'd have to set your strings like this:

  <string name="db_table_name">tbl_name</string>
  <string name="ddl">create table ${db_table_name}</string>

And then, after building your project, you'll get:

<!-- Auto generated during compilation -->
  <string name="ddl">create table tbl_name</string>

Well, I don't think this is possible. Because once the resources are allocated android won't allow us to change them dynamically in the air. Instead you can try having your Strings in a separate class and change them as you run through your code.