
Recently I have been into making of a bot and have done a lot but just a while ago I got into this error which is not really getting fixed by me. So I thought I could ask you for some help.


For the current situation my bot is to send a custom message which I send my self. For this I have created a tkinter window in which I have a Text widget and a Button. I enter the message I want to send inside the Text widget and then I click on the Button to send the message. The bot has to send that message as if it is sending it.


The script works just fine but whenever I click the button to send the text. It shows me the error mentioned below:

C:\Users\Bhavyadeep\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\tkinter\__init__.py:1421: RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'custom_message.<locals>.cm_send' was never awaited
RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

I tried several things myself but none seemed to work.


Here is the code which relates to this issue:

async def custom_message(ctx):
    if ctx.author.id == myid:
        confirm_embed = discord.Embed(title='Custom Message Window Opened!', description='Hey Bhavyadeep! I have opened the custom message window now. You can see it is visible to you now.', color=0x4fff4d)
        await ctx.channel.send(embed=confirm_embed)
        cm_window = Tk()

        cm_window.resizable(False, False)

        cm_text = Text(cm_window, height=15, width=36)
        cm_text.place(x=2.75, y=1)

        async def cm_send():
            text = cm_text.get(1.0, 'end')
            sendcm_embed = discord.Embed(title='Custom Message!', desciption=f'{text}')
            await ctx.channel.send(embed=sendcm_embed)
            await asyncio.sleep(2)
            text.delete(1.0, 'end')

        cm_send_button = Button(cm_window, text='Send', command=cm_send, width=20, height=2)
        cm_send_button.place(x=2, y=250)


    if ctx.author.id != myid:
        errorperm_embed = discord.Embed(title='Access Denied!', description='This command is `OWNER` only. You are not allowed to use this. Try not to execute it another time.', color=0xFF0000)
        await ctx.channel.send(embed=errorperm_embed)

If you still need the whole code you can ask me for it anytime. I would send it. :)

Thank You! :)

I would look at threading. Keep tkinter in the main thread (because it is not thread safe) and run the bot in another.Henry
@Henry I appreciate your help but I didn't get what you meant. You want me to run this window in another file then import it in the main file with Bot's run code?Bhavyadeep Yadav
Something like this may helpHenry

2 Answers


This is more of Tkinter's problem. As @henry said it's not thread safe, that is, it runs Tkinter in a different processor core than your bot, and when the Bot tries to access the Text from the Text Widget, it is not able to get it.


You could try to change:

text.delete(1.0, 'end')


await text.delete(1.0, 'end')