I am currently working on a VBA project. I have a workbook with multiple tabs from different workbooks. The names of all the tabs are the same, however since they come from different files, I would like to name them based on the filenames they are extracted from. The filenames are present in the cell EC1 of every tab. I would like to name all the sheets in the workbook based on the value present in cell EC1 of each individual sheet.
I have the following code:
Sub RenameSheet()
Dim rs As Worksheet
For Each rs In Sheets
rs.Name = rs.Range("EC1")
Next rs
End Sub
I have been getting a 1004 error from the above code.
I tried this code too:
Sub RenameSheet()
Dim xWs As Worksheet
Dim xRngAddress As String
Dim xName As String
Dim xSSh As Worksheet
Dim xInt As Integer
xRngAddress = Application.ActiveCell.Address
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each xWs In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
xName = xWs.Range(xRngAddress).Value
If xName <> "" Then
xInt = 0
Set xSSh = Nothing
Set xSSh = Worksheets(xName)
While Not (xSSh Is Nothing)
Set xSSh = Nothing
Set xSSh = Worksheets(xName & "(" & xInt & ")")
xInt = xInt + 1
If xInt = 0 Then
xWs.Name = xName
If xWs.Name <> xName Then
xWs.Name = xName & "(" & xInt & ")"
End If
End If
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Some sheets do get renamed, however some do not. I have checked for duplicate sheet names, and there are none. I have also checked if the filename is in the correct range (cell), and it is present.