1,It is the pre-release ,i can't find it now. 2,I can download the Flash Builder 4.5 but i want to know how to import the Burrito's project? and which lib or Flex Build Path must i add? When i import the Burrito version projects use Flash Builder 4.5 , it says "it can't find the 1017: The definition of base class MobileItemRenderer was not found. ItemRendererBase.as"
import spark.components.Image;
import spark.components.MobileItemRenderer;
import spark.components.supportClasses.MobileTextField;
public class ItemRendererBase extends MobileItemRenderer
protected var arrowDisplay:Image;
private var _isShowArrow:Boolean = true;
Could not resolve to a component implementation. TourDeMobileFlex.mxml /TourDeMobileFlex/src line 5 Flex Problem
<s:MobileApplication xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
how can resolve it?
3,or who can help me to import the Adobe Sample "TourDeMobileFlex" use Flash Builder 4.5? i can't download the (Hero)..........
the adobe says : "Download the Flash Builder project with all samples from http://flex.org/TourDeMobileFlex.fxp You must use the preview release of Flash Builder (Hero) to compile the source"
Thanks a lot...
A new flex in android developer.