I recently started a class on my college where we solve logical problems in Coq. I'm having problems understanding the principles of programming in Coq, the syntax and "building" ideas in my brain when it comes to problems. For instance,
Definition orb_3 (x y : bool) : bool :=
match x, y with
| false, false => false
| _, _ => true
This is the first function for defining disjunction, and
Definition orb (x y : bool) : bool :=
match x with
| true => true
| false => y
is the second function for defining disjunction. They should give out the same result, for example orb3 true false should give out the result true. Same goes for orb true false.
Now, this code
Goal forall x y : bool, orb x y = orb_3 x y.
intros x y. destruct x.
- destruct y.
-- simpl. reflexivity.
-- simpl. reflexivity.
- destruct y ; simpl ; reflexivity.
is the proof my professor wrote as proof that these two functions are equal. My question is: what does intros, destruct, simpl, reflexivity do? What is the general idea you should have in mind when doing proofs in Coq? Also, where can I find some useful, easy-to-understand Coq tutorials or literature?