Let's say I have an S3 bucket named example.com and I want to serve its content through CloudFront using an alternate domain example.com.
I've added a CNAME record to direct example.com to the CloudFront endpoint, and secured the domain using an AWS SSL Certificate.
In CloudFront, when I go to select the Origin, it shows my bucket. For example: example.com.s3.amazonaws.com
If I choose this origin, and I browse to https://example.com/my-bucket-item.jpg, I get redirected to https://example.com.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/my-bucket-item.jpg and a "Connection not secure" SSL error appears.
If I set the origin to just the domain example.com
then I get a 403 Bad Request error from CloudFront.
From what I understand, my bucket has to share the name of my domain, otherwise I get a "bucket does not exist" error.
I've followed the AWS documentation on this. What I'm doing wrong here?
I successfully got CloudFront to recognize my alternate domain by changing my origin policy to Managed-CORS-S3Origin.
New problem: even though I've selected 'Yes' to 'Restrict Bucket Access', I'm still able to access files via the S3 url. Do I need to turn off public access to my bucket? If I do this, it seems to override my CloudFront policy...
with configuration status 'Success' and certificate status 'Issued'. Associated resource is my CloudFront distribution. – HWD