
What is the difference between Private Link and VPC endpoint? As per the documentation it seems like VPC endpoint is a gateway to access AWS services without exposing the data to internet. But the definition about AWS private link also looks similar.

Reference Link: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/endpoint-services-overview.html

Does Private Link is the superset of VPC endpoint?

It would be really helpful if anyone provides the difference between these two with examples!

Thanks in Advance!


1 Answers


AWS defines them as:

VPC endpoint — The entry point in your VPC that enables you to connect privately to a service.

AWS PrivateLink — A technology that provides private connectivity between VPCs and services.

So PrivateLink is technology allowing you to privately (without Internet) access services in VPCs. These services can be your own, or provided by AWS.

Let's say that you've developed some application and you are hosting it in your VPC. You would like to enable access to this application to services in other VPCs and other AWS users/accounts. But you don't want to setup any VPC peering nor use Internet for that. This is where PrivateLink can be used. Using PrivateLink you can create your own VPC endpoint services which will enable other services to use your application.

In the above scenario, VPC interface endpoint is a resource that users of your application would have to create in their VPCs to connect to your application. This is same as when you create VPC interface endpoint to access AWS provided services privately (no Internet), such as Lambda, KMS or SMS.

There are also Gateway VPC endpoints which is older technology, replaced by PrivateLink. Gateways can only be used to access S3 and DynamoDB, nothing else.

To sum up, PrivateLink is general technology which can be used by you or AWS to allow private access to internal services. VPC interface endpoint is a resource that the users of such VPC services create in their own VPCs to interact with them.