
My outlook account at work is a member of a group called GraphTest which has email address GraphTest@companyname.net.

I'm trying to use the graph explorer to access mail in that group's inbox.

When I run the query https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/graphtest@companyname.net/messages I get the error message

Group Shard is used in non-Groups URI.

When I replace graphtest@companyname.net with my own email it works. Also I've consented to the permissions Mail.Read and Mail.Read.Shared.

What does this error message mean, and how can I fix it?

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1 Answers



Firstly the above API call which you used is invalid because you are giving a group email id to get it from user like /users/graphtest@companyname.net/messages which is invalid.

Even there is no mention in documentation that we can use something like /groups/graphtest@companyname.net/messages.

You can get some details from List Conversations using something like this.
