I have recently installed Git Bash and set Atom as my default editor by $ git config --global core.editor "atom --wait"
When I try to create or edit a .py file in Git Bash, Atom opens up OK, but then I get this error (below) and I cant use -add or commit commands. there's the screenshot.
$ Attempting to call a function in a renderer window that has been closed or rel Function provided here: Object. (C:\Users\Maria\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.55.0\resources\app.asar\node_modules\github\lib\worker.js:79:22) Remote event names: crashed, destroyed
Below is some of my data.
I have discovered that my error is caused by Atom saving my new py files in this directory, rather than in my dedicated Git repo..
For example, free_memory.py gets saved in C:\Users\Maria\AppData\Local\atom\app-1.55.0
Instead of C:\Users\Maria\Git_course\scripts
I have added ';C:\Users\Maria\AppData\Local\atom\bin' to my Environmental Variable PATH...
How can I save these files in C:\Users\Maria\Git_course\scripts(make it the default save location)? I am also confused about why Atom has two .exe files? One is within the Atom folder while the other is within the app-1.55 folder within the main Atom folder?
How can I configure it correctly? I'm on Windows 7 64-bit.
thank you for any advice.