I am working with both EWS and the Graph API.
I would like to create events (online meetings with skype/teams) in an calendar that is already available via EWS.
To match the calendar to the one available via Graph API i try to use https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/user-translateexchangeids
The calendar i created has this id when returned by the FindFolder call:
<t:FolderId Id="AAMkAGNiY2YxMjY3LTUxYjgtNGI1Yy1hOTM2LTU4MTM5OTZiNjdjYgAuAAAAAABW2gY0kRG1SqggDTNZN6i8AQAPJkKZ1XJkQ6huFmcVa6XaAAGixNZ3AAA=" ChangeKey="..."/>
I create a request to the graph api:
"inputIds": [
"sourceIdType": "ewsId",
"targetIdType": "restId"}
and get the result
"@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/$metadata#Collection(microsoft.graph.convertIdResult)",
"value": [
However, if i call https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendars i get a different id
"name": "Test",
Is there a way to match the (ews) calendar i already have to the one returned by the Graph API?