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I need to display status column value. when only the checkbox checked row in kendo grid angular. here the code

 <kendo-grid [data]="gridData" [navigable]="true" [selectable]="{ mode: 'single' }">
          <kendo-grid-column field="Discontinued" title="" width="20">
            <ng-template kendoGridCellTemplate let-dataItem>
                <input type="checkbox" (click)="toggle(dataItem, 'Discontinued')" [checked]="dataItem.Discontinued"/>
        <kendo-grid-column field="ProductName" title="Units" [width]="30"></kendo-grid-column>
           <kendo-grid-column field="Discontinued" title="status" [width]="30"></kendo-grid-column>


  public toggle(dataItem: any, field: string): void {
   dataItem[field] =  'primary';

above primay value need to given statically. when unchecked the status value still showing the primary value. I need display status value only checked when unchecked don't display any value. please help me

code sample here

Have you checked my answer and tried it?Giannis

1 Answers


In order to keep it simple and follow the way you implemented it, try to change the toggle method like that:

public toggle(dataItem: any, field: string): void {
  if (dataItem[field] === 'primary') {
    dataItem[field] =  '';
  else {
    dataItem[field] =  'primary';

Please find the updated code and result