I have three columns a student_name, column_1, column_2. I want to print the preceding value wherever the 0's exist in column 2.
I want the output like the below one, I used lag function. Probably I might be using it the wrong way.
I have three columns a student_name, column_1, column_2. I want to print the preceding value wherever the 0's exist in column 2.
I want the output like the below one, I used lag function. Probably I might be using it the wrong way.
From what I can tell, you want to count the number of 0
values up to and including each row. If this interpretation is correct, you would use a conditional cumulative sum:
select t.*,
sum( (column1 = 0)::int ) over (partition by student
order by <ordering column>
rows between unbounded preceding and current row
from t;
Note: This assumes that you have an ordering column which you have not included in the question.