
Like demonstrated here, I want to secure an Azure Function app with AzureAD and only be able to call/invoke it from an Azure API Management instance (with system-assigned managed identity enabled). This works fine. However I really want to isolate access to the API (Functions app). As it stands now, ANY app in my tenant would be able to successfully authenticate and invoke the API. Therefore, I chose to enable user-assignment for that app registration.

So basically, there is 1 API (Azure Functions) that is AzureAD protected. Then there is 1 service calling the API (Azure API Management). Without a role-assignment there is the following error message I can understand.

AADSTS501051: Application '<appId>'(<name of APIM managed-identity>) is not assigned to a role for the application '<appId2>'(<name of app registration for the Azure Functions app's EasyAuth feature>).

So I created an app role in the API's app registration. The normal guidance on how to assign such a role to an application can be found here (EDIT: WRONG LINK SEE ANSWER). However this does only apply to the service principal manually created (read: not a MSI) because this requires the service principal can be found in the portal UI. This is not the case with anything related to a mangaged-identity.

Since the above link also states that assignment can also be done using the Graph API I tried this as a workaround.

POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/users/{id}/appRoleAssignments
Content-Type: application/json

  "principalId": "principalId-value",
  "resourceId": "resourceId-value",
  "appRoleId": "appRoleId-value"

This does not work yielding the following error response (I have tried appId and objectId for id/principalId/resourceId):

"Resource '<guid of principalId>' does not exist or one of its queried reference-property objects are not present."

Do you have any suggestions on what could be done? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Reading this answer, the correct way to dit is to use objectIds (which I also tried). The guy answering also blogged about this, which is exactly what I want to do.... so the approach appears to be valid, still it's not working in my specific case.baouss

1 Answers


The MS-Graph link in the doc was false. It referred to the assignment of a role to a user, though an application in the linking text body was implied. This is the correct reference.

POST /servicePrincipals/{objectId}/appRoleAssignments

Also make sure, that in case you have created the Azure subscription with a personal account (eg. outlook.com, hotmail.com) to not use the bearer token of that user in the graph call. Instead create a user in AzureAD, assign proper permissions, and use that account's token.