
I am incorporating browser notifications into Oracle APEX and I'm having trouble showing a custom icon in the notification. These icons can be adjusted to your liking by providing a URL to the location of the image. In Oracle APEX, you can upload static files and reference them using the #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#image.png, however, the #WORKSPACE_IMAGES# part does not get replaced when I use it in JavaScript. How do I get the URL of a static workspace file (png image) in JavaScript? I have tried using the following strings for the URL parameter of the notification:

    // "https://developers.google.com/web/images/web-fundamentals-icon192x192.png", // Works
    // "r/xxxxx/files/static/v71/image.png",                                        // Works, but is subject to change
    // "#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#image.png",                                               // Does not work
    // "&WORKSPACE_IMAGES.image.png",                                               // Does not work
    // "#IMAGE_PREFIX#image.png",                                                   // Does not work
    // "&IMAGE_PREFIX.image.png",                                                   // Does not work
    () => parent.focus()

const showNotification = (icon, title, body, onclick) => {
    // Let's check if the browser supports notifications
    if (!("Notification" in window)) {
        alert("This browser does not support desktop notification");

    // Let's check whether notification permissions have already been granted
    else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
        // If it's okay let's create a notification
        let notification = new Notification(title, {
            icon: icon,
            body: body,

        notification.onclick = onclick;

    // Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission
    else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {

These work:

These don't:

  • #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#image.png
  • &WORKSPACE_IMAGES.image.png
  • #IMAGE_PREFIX#image.png
  • &IMAGE_PREFIX.image.png

Extra information

  • We are using Oracle APEX 20.2 on an Autonomous Database

Thanks in advance!

Edit: I ended up uploading the image to a domain handled by a hosting provider so I can access the image via that url.


1 Answers


Replacements such as #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#image.png should work fine from Javascript - but only if that Javascript is rendered by APEX as part of the page, not if the Javascript is in a separate file. For example:

enter image description here

When the page is run:

enter image description here