
I am populating data into db2 from my local machine (BankAccounts.sql) while executing the file I'm getting the below error Error message DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, SQLERRMC=MCX28303.BANKACCOUNTS, DRIVER=4.26.14

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It means where is a mistake in your query. But your question does not show the query so we cannot help! Learn how to ask a good question. The object MCX28303.BANKACCOUNTS does not exist.mao
In Db2 the names of objects are case sensitive, so when the real object name is BankAccounts then you must use double-quotes "BankAccounts" (for example). The same for the schema name, use quotes if mixed case, otherwise Db2 will assume the object name is all upper case.mao
Please, edit your question with the exact CREATE TABLE statement.Mark Barinstein

1 Answers


You should learn how DB2 tells you what happened.

In this case the database tells you the code "-204" and the message "MCX28303.BANKACCOUNTS".

The code you have to look up here: ( Which Db2 are you using? this one is for z/OS version 12) https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEPEK_12.0.0/codes/src/tpc/n204.html

And the message points to your mistake. Finally the IBM-documentation often gives you advice what to do (see "Programmer response").