
I am using oracle 10g. I have a database user TDM_DD which executes a procedure in which it creates a schema/user and tables in it. While doing so I have to grant 'UNLIMITED TABLESPACE' privilege to the newly created schema. However I am getting error "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges" Need help!!

the error message tells you: YOUR CODE must run with the privileges needed (talk to your admin).nabuchodonossor
I have installed oracle on my local machine and I cant get admin help so quickly. Any help from here really appritiated!!Sunil Chavan

1 Answers


You can only grant the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege as a user that is allowed to grant it, such as the SYSTEM user. You will need to give your TDM_DD user the privileges to be able to have it grant the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege to someone else.