I am trying to write a function longer(S1,S2) which should be true if S1 is longer than S2, otherwise false. What I have so far is the following:
longer(nil,B) :- false.
longer([A,AS],[B,BS]) :- longer(AS,BS).
But for some reason I cannot seem to get it to parse correctly when I provide for instance the input: longer([1,2],[1]).
But when I run the above through swi-prolog it return false.
Another example is running the: longer([1],nil)
which also return false, even though it should be true by matching with list(cons(A,As)) where As = nil, finally matching the end clause.
What am I missing? Can someone point me in the right direction here, as I cannot see how this is not evaluating to true.
Edit: it should be noted that I am still fairly new to prolog at this point.
Update I have had some misunderstanding in relation to what is common prolog semantic. Including trying to force the program to yield a false value (probably being steered by my understanding of non-declarative language semantics). I have updated my answer with the inputs from @tiffi.
is the equivalent to the empty list[]
in prolog. cons is a prolog operator than represents a binary functor, such that:cons(1,cons(2,cons(3,nil)))
is equavalent to1.2.3.nil
. – NewDev90