I am trying to do VGA RAMDAC at Altera MAX II (EPM240). I am create 76800 bytes array for RAM. The hvsync_generator module generates a VGA signal. The main module takes data from RAM and transfers it to the pixels bus. It works well, pixels (320 * 240) are displayed on the screen. I want to write to RAM externally using a different microcontroller. I am new to Verilog and I don’t know how to properly save data in RAM. Below is the error that Quartus gives me.
My code:
module ramdac (
input clk, // clock 50 mhz
output reg [7:0] pixels, // digital video bus
output hsync_out, // H SYNC
output vsync_out, // V SYNC
output inDisplayArea, //
input we, // WE RAM
input [7:0] in_data, // input data for ram
input [16:0] in_address // input address for ram
reg clk_25;
reg [16:0] displayAddr;
wire [9:0] CounterX;
wire [9:0] CounterY;
reg [7:0] mem [76799:0]; // frame buffer 76800 bytes (320 x 240)
// devide clock
always @(posedge clk)
clk_25 <= ~ clk_25;
hvsync_generator hvsync(
always @(posedge clk_25)
if (inDisplayArea)
displayAddr <= ((CounterX - 1) >> 1) + ((CounterY >> 1) * 320); // calculate ram index by screen coords
pixels <= mem[displayAddr];
pixels <= 0;
// try to write new ram data
always @(posedge clk)
// if this line is deleted, then there will be NO error
if(we) mem[in_address] <= in_data;
Error details:
Problem Details
Internal Error: Sub-system: OPT, File: /quartus/synth/opt/opt_op_decsel.cpp, Line: 2046
in_width <= 16
Stack Trace:
0x110ee: RTL_OPERATOR::replace_decoder_nlut + 0x10e (SYNTH_OPT)
0x29fca: RTL_OPERATOR::replace_decs_with_gates + 0xfa (SYNTH_OPT)
0x2771e: RTL_OPERATOR::exit_cleaning + 0x82 (SYNTH_OPT)
0x3684b: RTL_SCRIPT::call_common_rtl_fns + 0xa1b (SYNTH_OPT)
0x34942: RTL_SCRIPT::call_named_function + 0x552 (SYNTH_OPT)
0x33a08: RTL_SCRIPT::process_script + 0x52c (SYNTH_OPT)
0x33013: opt_process_netlist_scripted + 0x7df (SYNTH_OPT)
0x3a1fa: RTL_ROOT::process_sgate_netlist + 0x1aa (SYNTH_OPT)
0x15d728: SGN_SYNTHESIS::high_level_synthesis + 0x198 (synth_sgn)
0x15e132: SGN_SYNTHESIS::process_current_stage + 0x222 (synth_sgn)
0xc75d5: SGN_EXTRACTOR::synthesize_partition + 0x195 (synth_sgn)
0xc71bf: SGN_EXTRACTOR::synthesis + 0x20f (synth_sgn)
0xc7334: SGN_EXTRACTOR::synthesis_and_post_processing + 0xc4 (synth_sgn)
0x12b02: sgn_full + 0xd2 (synth_sgn)
0x4458: qsyn_execute_sgn + 0x1e8 (quartus_map)
0x14246: QSYN_FRAMEWORK::execute_core + 0x136 (quartus_map)
0x13d2b: QSYN_FRAMEWORK::execute + 0x49b (quartus_map)
0x1150c: qexe_do_normal + 0x1ec (comp_qexe)
0x16622: qexe_run + 0x432 (comp_qexe)
0x17371: qexe_standard_main + 0xc1 (comp_qexe)
0x1b42b: qsyn_main + 0x53b (quartus_map)
0x13258: msg_main_thread + 0x18 (CCL_MSG)
0x14a5e: msg_thread_wrapper + 0x6e (CCL_MSG)
0x16af0: mem_thread_wrapper + 0x70 (ccl_mem)
0x12af1: msg_exe_main + 0xa1 (CCL_MSG)
0x2a236: __tmainCRTStartup + 0x10e (quartus_map)
0x17033: BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x13 (KERNEL32)
0x4d240: RtlUserThreadStart + 0x20 (ntdll)
Executable: quartus_map
System Information
Platform: windows64
OS name: Windows 10
OS version: 10.0
Quartus Prime Information
Address bits: 64
Version: 20.1.1
Build: 720
Edition: Lite Edition
How do I write external data to RAM correctly?
UPD: A few seconds before the error appears I get a warning in log:
Warning (276002): Cannot convert all sets of registers into RAM megafunctions when creating nodes; therefore, the resulting number of registers remaining in design can cause longer compilation time or result in insufficient memory to complete Analysis and Synthesis