  1. How do I upload to a Google Cloud Storage bucket, not the Firebase Storage? According to this documentation , the way you get a reference to the Firebase storage and Cloud storage seem to be exactly the same. But, when I try to access the bucket from Cloud Function, I am given two choices (gcf-sources-234340858426-us-central1 and us.artifacts.233093489-23.appspot.com) that are completely different from the Firebase Storage (gs://someaddress.appspot.com). I'm currently able to upload to Firebase storage with the Firebase SDK from the front end.

  2. Can Firebase Storage trigger Google Cloud Function with event triggers?

Firebase is an integrated platform for web services including a number of services designed to work together plus excellent mobile support. Google Cloud is a much larger platform designed to support the development of anything and everything. Firebase Storage and Cloud Storage are the same service. This article might help you understand: medium.com/google-developers/…John Hanley
But, how do I upload files to Google Cloud Storage? When I initialize the Firebase account and download the iOS SDK, the uploaded files go to the Firebase Storage. I tried modifying GoogleService-Info.plist by changing the STORAGE_BUCKET to a Google Cloud Storage bucket, but I get only an error.Kevvv
I cannot answer that part as I do not develop for mobile (Android/iOS).John Hanley

1 Answers


Uploading Files

Cloud Storage buckets and Firebase buckets are the same thing under the hood. That said, if you want to use the Google Cloud-specific (i.e. non-Firebase) approach, you can use the client libraries or the REST API.

Triggering functions

Yes - you should be able to trigger a Storage-triggered function by uploading files to a bucket. The deployment command might look something like this:

# Note: this is untested, and assumes you have the Google Cloud SDK installed
gcloud functions deploy my-function --trigger-bucket "someaddress.appspot.com"

Hope this helps!