
I'm using Qt Creator 2.2.1 under MacOS X 10.6.8, standard MacOS X install for CMake 2.8.5 and Qt SDK version 1.1.2 released on June 21st (Qt 4.7.3 libraries).

My CMakeLists.txt fails in the find_package for Qt4 -- the second of the lines below:

set (CMAKE_MODULE_PATH /Applications/CMake 2.8-5.app/Contents/share/cmake-2.8/Modules)
find_package (Qt4 REQUIRED HINTS /Users/myname/QtSDK)

I added the first just to make sure it knew where FindQt4.cmake lives, but same error either with or without that line.

The error from CMake is as follows:

    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
     CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:30 (find_package):
     Could not find a configuration file for package Qt4.

     Set Qt4_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file for Qt4.
     The file will have one of the following names:


I've done some finds in both the installed QtSDK location and the CMake directories, and there's no Qt4Config.cmake. I did see in the CMake module directory -- FindQt4.cmake, Qt4ConfigDependentSettings.cmake, and UseQt4.cmake

According to this page:

The find_package() command will look in the module path for Find.cmake, which is the typical way for finding libraries. First CMake checks all directories in ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}, then it looks in its own module directory /share/cmake-x.y/Modules/. If no such file is found, it looks for Config.cmake or -config.cmake, which are supposed to be installed by libraries (but there are currently not yet many libraries which install them) and that don't do detection, but rather just contain hardcoded values for the installed library.

So it seems like FindQt4.cmake should find the Qt4 I'm hinting at its location -- so why is it even making it down to Qt4Config.cmake? Anyone get this to work on Mac with those standard installs?


1 Answers


The "find_package(Qt4..." command is very dependent on finding a qmake executable. Is "qmake" on your path? Try something like

set(QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE "<actual location of qmake on your system>")
find_package(Qt4 REQUIRED)

Edit: I meant to type QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE; and I did not grok your statement about CMAKE_MODULE_PATH at first.