I want to rebuild my table of Col1 (key), Col2, Col3, Col4, Col5 to table of Col1 (Key), and Col2 (which include all accordance values from Columns 2,3,4,5...), please check example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1je3uc1DHitzzsFK6Xag_ld531p7ozeheO4PwpCfZjQA
If I use the following plain text as range in Query:
=QUERY({A2:A7\B2:B7;A2:A7\C2:C7;A2:A7\D2:D7;A2:A7\E2:E7},"Select * where Col2 >0")
it works well. But I can't make that range to be dynamic inside query, I tried to put range (based on formulas or even as a text) in some cell and then pull it as follows
=QUERY(A1,"Select * where Col >0")
=QUERY({indirect(A1)},"Select * where Col2 >0")
but it doesn't work.