I am using ADLS generation 2. And Data is stored in Date Hierarchy Strucurtre. like Year folder then month folder and then Day folder. The folder contains 2 txt files which I have to process into one SQL table.
path/Strucutre Example of ADLS folders:
. . . .
. . . .
/2021 ( Year Folder )
/03 ( Month Folder )
/02 ( Day Folder )
I can Process All files easily in ADF but data is present for the last 10 years so now I want to process files on the basis of the date parameter filter.
Parameter is:
From_Date - '2020/03/01'
To_Date -'2020/03/01'
So ADF should process all folders within this data range.
I would like to iterate only folder files which satisfy the input parameter date condition filter.
How do I iterate a specific date hierarchy folder and get the file inside it?
What would be the best approach to achieve it?
Thanks in advnace