I'm trying to replicate a SQL instance in GCP via terraform. The active instance has a public IP, however subnets from a secondary project are shared with the project hosing the SQL instance, and the SQL instance is associated with the secondary project's network.
I've added the private_network
setting properly (I think) in the ip_configuration
section, however I'm getting the following error:
Error: Error, failed to create instance xxxx: googleapi: Error 400: Invalid request: Incorrect Service Networking config for instance: xxxx:xxxxx:SERVICE_NETWORKING_NOT_ENABLED., invalid
I can't find much documentation when I google that particular error, and I'm relatively new to Terraform, so I'm hoping someone can point out what I'm missing from either this section of my Terraform config, or another resource altogether.
resource "google_sql_database_instance" "cloudsql-instance-qa" {
depends_on = [google_project_service.project_apis]
database_version = "MYSQL_5_7"
name = "${var.env_shorthand}-${var.resource_name}"
project = var.project_id
region = var.region
settings {
activation_policy = "ALWAYS"
availability_type = "ZONAL"
backup_configuration {
binary_log_enabled = "true"
enabled = "true"
point_in_time_recovery_enabled = "false"
start_time = "15:00"
crash_safe_replication = "false"
disk_autoresize = "true"
disk_size = "5003"
disk_type = "PD_SSD"
ip_configuration {
ipv4_enabled = "true"
private_network = "projects/gcp-backend/global/networks/default"
require_ssl = "false"
location_preference {
zone = var.zone
maintenance_window {
day = "7"
hour = "4"
pricing_plan = "PER_USE"
replication_type = "SYNCHRONOUS"
tier = "db-n1-standard-1"
ipv4_enabled = "true"
) and private (private_network = "projects/gcp-backend/global/networks/default"
). Use one or the other but not both. – John Hanleyipv4_enalbed
but am still getting the same error. Do I need to update a setting somewhere else? The current, active/working, instance was both a public and private IP, and it's associated with the network in the secondary project. – NealR