I am experiencing immense difficulties all day trying to save an entity into a MySQL database. I am using NestJS and TypeORM.
import { BeforeInsert, Column, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
import * as bcrypt from 'bcrypt';
import { bcryptConstants } from 'src/bcrypt/bcrypt.constants';
@Entity({'name': 'teacher'})
export class Teacher {
id: number;
username: string;
email: string;
password: string;
async hashPassword(): Promise<void> {
const salt = await bcrypt.genSalt(bcryptConstants.saltRounds);
const hash = await bcrypt.hash(this.password, salt);
this.password = hash;
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { AppController } from './app.controller';
import { AppService } from './app.service';
import { SubjectsController } from './subjects/subjects.controller';
import { SubjectService } from './subjects/subject/subject.service'
import { TeacherModule } from './teacher/teacher.module';
import { AuthModule } from './auth/auth.module';
imports: [ TypeOrmModule.forRoot({
type: 'mysql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 3306,
username: 'root',
password: 'root',
database: 'test',
entities: ["dist/**/*.entity{.ts,.js}"],
synchronize: true,
logging: true
}), TeacherModule, AuthModule],
controllers: [AppController, SubjectsController],
providers: [AppService, SubjectService],
export class AppModule { }
Here's the error:
query: INSERT INTO `teacher`(`id`, `username`, `email`, `password`) VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?) -- PARAMETERS: ["babbb","babbb","$2b$10$CMyzTJU6g1gJX2eO8Ulleez.LKo1XTCHvVKeUFKJS2FF9bwXivNR."]
query: COMMIT
query: INSERT INTO `teacher`(`id`, `username`, `email`, `password`) VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?) -- PARAMETERS: ["babbb","babbb","$2b$10$XU8QNxCRL4Ole2OxWkInruLogt0/e/SAfJoAhw.dBbad3MBb5D.iS"]
query failed: INSERT INTO `teacher`(`id`, `username`, `email`, `password`) VALUES (DEFAULT, ?, ?, ?) -- PARAMETERS: ["babbb","babbb","$2b$10$XU8QNxCRL4Ole2OxWkInruLogt0/e/SAfJoAhw.dBbad3MBb5D.iS"]
error: Error: Duplicate entry 'babbb' for key 'teacher.IDX_76fd0cda3fc6719d3109237c72'
code: 'ER_DUP_ENTRY',
errno: 1062,
sqlState: '23000',
sqlMessage: "Duplicate entry 'babbb' for key 'teacher.IDX_76fd0cda3fc6719d3109237c72'"
[Nest] 5360 - 03/06/2021, 9:59:03 PM [ExceptionsHandler] Duplicate entry 'babbb' for key 'teacher.IDX_76fd0cda3fc6719d3109237c72' +192ms
The entity actually gets saved in the database but it takes a whole minute for NestJS to finish this task and return a response. I am using Angular which waits for this response in order to redirect the user to a login page after registering as a teacher. I only get an error with status 500 a minute after sending a post request to create a teacher in the database.
mysql table
id username email password
1 user12 user $2b$10$kYZ3F2Hv2MkuvQJIBUsK5Ogq4PHQPLiOBp1t9x3.psOwL984/KTQe
4 babbb babbb $2b$10$CMyzTJU6g1gJX2eO8Ulleez.LKo1XTCHvVKeUFKJS2FF9bwXivNR.
I've inserted 2 entries but for some reason, it skipped saving on ID 2 and 3.
I tried using "uuid" as an ID like this:
id: string;
But still it gives me an error that the generated uuid string is too long to be saved in an integer value, when I've clearly defined the column as a string.
Any suggestions are welcome!
TypeORM adds a unique index to my columns "username" and "email" even though I haven't specified it in "@Column()".
query: SELECT VERSION() AS `version`
query: ALTER TABLE `teacher` CHANGE `username` `username` varchar(255) NOT NULL
query: ALTER TABLE `teacher` ADD UNIQUE INDEX `IDX_76fd0cda3fc6719d3109237c72` (`username`)
query: ALTER TABLE `teacher` CHANGE `email` `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL
query: ALTER TABLE `teacher` ADD UNIQUE INDEX `IDX_00634394dce7677d531749ed8e` (`email`)
query: COMMIT
Even if I use "@Column({ unique: false})", it will still add unique index to them. I don't have this problem with other tables, just this one.
Alright, I know what the problem now is for sure. TypeORM doesn't synchronize my entity properly, more specifically the "teacher" one. When I add new columns to "teacher" table, it updates properly. When I remove the columns "email", "password", "username" from my code, they are still in the table, there's no way I can alter these columns. I don't know if it is related to some cache problem. My synchronization "synchronize: true" is on.