
Hoping someone can help me with this as looking back at my git log I've now tried 14 different things to try to get this to work. Here's the scenario:

  • I created a variable in the UI called deploy_custom_env and checked "User can set variable at runtime." I initialized it to "default", but I am expecting users to override it when starting manual runs.

  • I am trying to use this variable in the condition for some of my pipeline stages.

  • I've tried many, many different things. Here are some examples:


condition: ne(variables.deploy_custom_env, 'default')


condition: ne('${{ variables.deploy_custom_env }}', 'default')


- name: isCustomEnv
  value: ne[($(deploy_custom_env), 'default')]

And even

  - name: isCustomEnv
    value: ne[(variables.deploy_custom_env, 'default')]

Hilariously, when trying to use the above, both of the following conditions result in skipped stages:

condition: eq(variables.isCustomEnv, true)
condition: eq(variables.isCustomEnv, false)

Does this mean it's both true and false? (I'm kidding, of course: I have no clue what this actually evaluates to.) I've also tried enabling System.debug and checking "Enable system diagnostics"`, but when my stages get skipped, I can't really see what these variables are evaluating to.

I would appreciate any suggestions or documentation that will help me solve this problem. Surely this is something that people do? Also, recommendation for anyone from Azure reading: I would love to see this example in the documentation somewhere.

I looked at the following to try to answer this:

In the latter, I saw the difference between compile-time and runtime, with the following note:

The difference between runtime and compile time expression syntaxes is primarily what context is available. In a compile-time expression (${{ }}), you have access to parameters and statically defined variables. In a runtime expression ($[ ]), you have access to more variables but no parameters.

That seems related, but how do I translate this into something that works in my conditions?


2 Answers


I'll give you one more variable syntax to try, and then another way to do it

This syntax works for a variable described as you indicated earlier:

  - stage: FirstStage
      - job: FirstJob
          vmImage: 'windows-latest'
        - pwsh: Write-Host "deploy custom environment is default"
          displayName: Run if default
          condition: eq(variables['deploy_custom_env'], 'default')
        - pwsh: Write-Host "deploy custom environment is notdefault"
          displayName: Run if not default
          condition: ne(variables['deploy_custom_env'], 'default')

Another way to do it is to not use a variable declared in the UI, but rather a parameter to your build - this will set a default, and it will allow you to change it when queueing a build:

- name: deploy_custom_env
  type: string
  default: 'default'

  - stage: FirstStage
      - job: FirstJob
          vmImage: 'windows-latest'
        - pwsh: Write-Host "deploy custom environment is default"
          displayName: Run if default
          condition: eq('${{ parameters.deploy_custom_env }}', 'default')
        - pwsh: Write-Host "deploy custom environment is notdefault"
          displayName: Run if not default
          condition: ne('${{ parameters.deploy_custom_env }}', 'default')

This has the advantage of putting the prompt for the value with its default right in front of you when queueing the build - you don't have to drill into the variable.

NOTE: This approach works in a pipeline, it will not work for a condition in a template or nested template, as when a parameter is available can be... tricky.


If you're doing this in yml file, then $(deploy_custom_env) should work.