Be cautious with cuts. For example if - on your first try - you have choosen the right Y
but the wrong X
(for t(X)
) using a cut in the predicates body will provide a wrong answer.
t(X):- member(X,[7,8,9,6]).
q(Y,X):- member(X,[1,2,3,6]), member(Y,[3,4,5,6,1]).
p(X,Y):- q(Y,X), r(Y), s(Y), t(X).
?- p(X,Y).
X = 6,
Y = 1.
But with
p(X,Y):- q(Y,X), r(Y), s(Y), !, t(X).
?- p(X,Y).
If you are using the cut within the aux predicate the cut does not discard 'right' answers because the backtracking is still allowed in the predictae p/2
even if aux/2
was passed once:
aux(Y) :- r(Y), s(Y), !.
p(X,Y):- q(Y,X), aux(Y), t(X).
?- p(X,Y).
X = 6,
Y = 1.
I just saw that there is no improvement by using the aux predicate. However using
aux(Y) :- r(Y), !, s(Y).
aux(Y) :- !, r(Y), s(Y).
might improve the speed if s/1
is computative expensive. The second solution should only be used if Y
was instantiated before. Also reordering the predicates could result in a speed up.