
Is there a way to retrieve the time at which an HDInight cluster was started or the cluster uptime via the terminal? There seems to be no command or API that I can find that gets the startup timestamp.


2 Answers


Unfortunately, I could not find a direct command or API to get the cluster uptime.

You can get the HDInsight cluster uptime using Ambari Home dashboard.

The Ambari UI dashboard (https://.azurehdinsight.net) provides an overview of cluster health, such as uptime, memory, network and CPU usage, HDFS disk usage, and so forth.

enter image description here

Refer: Manage HDInsight clusters by using the Apache Ambari Web UI.


There is no resume/Pause button in HDInsight(unlike Azure Synapse).The billing continues till the time the cluster is active. So cluster-wise, you can only see the Cluster creation date in Azure Portal in Properties

enter image description here

Node-wise you can run the uptime command in the specific node to get the timestamp